Hi, I'm

Delberin ALI

Software Developer
Web Developer & Graphic Designer

About me

Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm a passionate coding enthusiast and computer science student. I love creating web experiences using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. When it comes to data, I enjoy working with SQL and PostgreSQL to analyze and manipulate information. Python, Numpy, and Pandas are my go-to tools for transforming raw data into insightful results. I also have a knack for data visualization using Matplotlib. Git and GitHub help me manage projects effectively. Linux is my trusted ally for powerful development skills. Explore my portfolio to see some exciting projects that showcase my coding abilities.

Success Story in Switzerland

Click here for More details

Translation & Support

I help people with translation in many languages (Kurdish, Arabic, English, and German)

Web Developer | IT Support

Provide assistance and technical support to People who are experiencing technical, hardware, or software issues. addition to creating Websites and designing them.

Food enthusiast & Chef

I make new Recipes and develop them, to see my Recipes, you can follow me on Instagram: dilbirin.ali92

My Coding Skills

Frontend Development:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript

Backend Development:

  • Python, (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib), Flask
  • Java

Version Control:

  • Git & GitHub
  • Linux

Database Technologies:

  • MySQL
  • PostgresSQL
  • TimescaleDB
  • Redis

Work and Education


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SXS Training Dashboard

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eCallisto Validation

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Preparation-Weeks for Powercoders

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Contact Me 😎

PowerCoder Email
